Tuesday, July 03, 2007

OpenPacket.org Developments

I am happy to report that work on OpenPacket.org is back on track, thanks to a new volunteer Web application developer.

Several months ago Richard Fifarek put me in touch with his friend Sharri Parsell. She read the requirements document I wrote last year and discussed the project with me.

Today she showed me a pre-alpha version based on our discussions over the last few months. I was very impressed and we plan to have an alpha ready for review by openpacket-devel list members within the next two weeks. I've also contacted a few guys I trust who perform Web app assessments to review the site prior to general public availability.

If development stays on track we plan to have a beta available for the public prior to Black Hat at the end of this month.

Stay tuned to this mailing list and/or the OpenPacket.org Blog for more developments.

Thank you especially to Sharri for volunteering to do this work and getting us close to public availability!

